Positioning opencart – everything you should know about it

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The share of the e-commerce industry in modern trade grows every year. This fact, however, should not surprise anyone. Customers appreciate fast shopping and full security resulting from legal protection, and entrepreneurs – the ability to reach customers from all over the country. Not without significance is also the ease of placing orders from the comfort of your favorite armchair and without leaving your home, as well as instant delivery – often a parcel with the ordered goods is in your hands as soon as on the second working day. As far as customers are concerned, e-shops do not really have any disadvantages, but from the side of entrepreneurs the matter looks a bit different. The biggest of them is certainly a very big competition, which results from the low costs of running a business and the possibility of starting your own company in a short time. The basis is positioning. This process allows you to level the playing field also with companies with an established position in the market. The golden mean is provided by interactive agencies – this is how the webmaster of Baltimore SEO agency rectified it. SEO Baltimore is a team that we have no grounds to disbelieve. Years of experience and a long list of satisfied clients speak for themselves. But other agencies somewhat support this statement, e.g. New York SEO services, who know the competition like no one else, operating in the city of thousands of entrepreneurs. 

What is positioning?

We asked both Baltimore SEO agency and New York SEO services. Combining the statements of professionals, we explain – positioning, for example, OpenCart is to improve the position of a selected website in Google search engine. However, it is not a quick and easy task – there are even hundreds of steps necessary for positioning, and all of them are equally important in terms of effectiveness. Companies dealing with positioning usually have entire teams of top specialists who, thanks to their knowledge, are able to propose individual strategies and implement them. There is a lot to fight for, says SEO Baltimore market analytic. When internet users look for anything on the web, they usually search for it on Google. Why? Because it has by far the largest database of websites in the world and is characterized by lightning fast performance, even for particularly niche queries.

A website that has just been published usually lands at the bottom of the list and therefore does not generate any traffic. However, this is not a problem – the position of any website can be changed through SEO and is the thought driving the SEO Baltimore agency’s efforts.

Three steps in SEO you should know

New York SEO services Web developer decided to list them and make the information as clear as possible. SEO, or rather Search Engine Optimization, is a series of activities that involve adjusting the source code to meet the requirements of the search engine. By default, most websites do not take these into account at all, making them of no value to, for example, the search engine Google. To change this, positioning is divided into three basic stages.

In the first stage, the positioning team conducts an SEO audit, which consists of a thorough analysis of the selected website. Its result allows one to adjust the strategy to a specific site and to plan a side campaign, such as social media. Without an SEO audit, SEO wanders in the fog, yet this often happens. Some novice SEO agencies or freelancers operate “in the dark,” generating additional work in the process.

Stages two and three (on-site and off-site) are the implementation of the plan and the painstaking execution of the various assumptions. First of all, the source code should be adjusted and thoroughly modified so that Google treats the website as valuable for internet users. The last stage and at the same time the culmination of the entire positioning process is building a link base. Until recently, there were link farms on the web, where every website could give away its link for free or for a fee – now it is quite the opposite. Google does not pay attention to the number of backlinks, but to their quality.

Key phrases – how to choose the right ones?

Baltimore SEO specialists give an example of Magneto positioning consisting, among other things, of developing a strategy of key phrases, which are basically the basic element of a well conducted positioning procedure. Key phrases are short phrases which are typed by an Internet user into the Google search bar in order to find a specific product, website or service on the web. Typically, these phrases look like the following:

  • bakery Detroit;
  • veterinarian 24h Washington
  • SEO Agency Seattle;
  • car showroom employees;
  • how to prepare goulash;
  • and so on.

Each of these phrases relates to completely different websites and pages, which is why it is so important to perfectly match them to your business. This is also one of the most difficult tasks that many SEO professionals fail to handle properly, admits Baltimore SEO CEO. Phrases should be:

  • match the chosen subpage and the nature of the entire site;
  • as close as possible to what the Internet user types into the search engine field;
  • with a long tail, so called “long tail”;
  • without phrases considered vulgar;

It is worth knowing that Google’s algorithm calculating the position of a selected website in the ranking takes into account both the content of the entire website and the subpage itself. Portals dealing with women’s clothing position better for phrases such as “how a tall woman should dress” than a blog about food, where this type of article appeared once and is an exception to the rule. In addition, it is a very bad practice to “trick” customers with keywords on your site. This is a double-edged sword – an Internet user will get to your site, but will leave it after just a few seconds, without any interaction with its content. This has a very negative effect on the user behavior parameter, which has a huge impact on SEO.   

main photo: pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio

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  • Oscar Cole 29.08.2022

    I agree with you that an SEO audit should be the first step in positioning. However, if you would like to improve your operations, I recommend conducting an SXO audit. It combines the analysis of SEO and UX activities. SXO audit is a good solution for those who want to take care of the user experience on their website. It is worth noting that currently UX is starting to play an increasingly important role, so it should be remembered about it in the context of positioning. Improving the SXO on your website can bring huge results, such as higher rank in search results and better sales results.

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