Tag - pre-press

How do I create the perfect photo-album? Top tips
How do I create the perfect photo-album? Top tips

Photo-album – what do you need to know before you choose your variant? We present the most important features of modern albums.

A forgotten profession. What exactly does a bookbinder do?
A forgotten profession. What exactly does a bookbinder do?

What does a bookbinder do and is it really a profession without a future? We answer.

How to store paper so that it does not lose its quality?
How to store paper so that it does not lose its quality?

Can improper paper storage affect paper quality? Yes, so check how to do it correctly!

New generation of PDF editor. It will be faster and more efficient!
New generation of PDF editor. It will be faster and more efficient!

Intuitive, fast and convenient solution from Esko. ArtPro+ will streamline the preparation of VDP orders.

Judge by… graphics! How to create the perfect printed product?
Judge by… graphics! How to create the perfect printed product?

How do you create graphics for print so they look really good? Here are some tips.

What do you need to keep in mind when it comes to large format printing?
What do you need to keep in mind when it comes to large format printing?

What should you look for when creating a file for large format printing? We explain the most important guidelines.

Laser engraving versus mechanical engraving
Laser engraving versus mechanical engraving

Laser engraving vs. mechanical engraving. Which engraving method will pay off more?

The biggest advantages of duplex printing
The biggest advantages of duplex printing

What are the advantages of duplex printing and is it always worth it to have a duplex printer?

What features should an effective advertising flyer have?
What features should an effective advertising flyer have?

An advertising flyer created in a thoughtful way can be a call to action. So what qualities should a good flyer have?

Useful parts and accessories for 3D printers
Useful parts and accessories for 3D printers

Do you own a 3D printer? Don’t forget to stock up on replacement parts and useful accessories.

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What is worth printing on product packaging?
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The packaging should provide basic information about the products. However, it is worth using them as a marketing tool. What to print on them?
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