How loading speed affects e-commerce websites?

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A slow loading website isn’t just annoying to visitors – it can also negatively impact your online business’s sales and revenue. Site speed is an important factor in search engine optimization, too. When potential customers don’t experience your site as quickly as they would like, they are more likely to visit another store and buy from someone else instead of sticking around to check out your products or services.

This guide will show you how to use good SEO optimization e-commerce practices to keep your site running at top speed and ready to convert new customers.

Speed and user experience

It’s no secret that speed is important to users. In fact, 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load. And when it comes to e-commerce sites, the stakes are even higher. A one second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. With this statistic in mind, it’s clear that you should be taking every step possible to ensure your site loads as quickly as possible. Today, it only takes a few clicks to switch to another page. If our results are not satisfactory, it may result in an increase in bounce rate, reduced conversions, and a decrease in website traffic. As a consequence, we are falling to the far places of the ranking list, where our chances of visibility drop drastically.

How does Google evaluate my website speed level?

Google has a few different tools that they use to evaluate website speed. One is called PageSpeed Insights. This tool will analyze your website and give you a score out of 100. The higher the score, the faster your website is. Google also looks at how long it takes for your website to load on mobile devices and desktop computers.

If it takes too long, they may rank your site lower in search results. It could take anywhere from 10 seconds up to 20 seconds for a page to fully load depending on its size. As well as when someone loads your page, there are other factors that come into play such as their connection speed and if they have any other internet running in the background while they’re browsing.

How does speed affect the online store?

The average person has an attention span of about 8 seconds, so it’s important that your website loads quickly. If it doesn’t, you’re likely to lose potential customers. According to a study by Akamai Technologies, 53% of people who experience a problem with site performance will abandon the purchase process and leave the site without buying anything. In addition, 31% will go elsewhere to buy their product.

Core Web Vitals

The Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure the performance of a website. They include things like loading time, interactivity, and visual stability. A slow loading time means visitors will leave your site without buying anything. The faster your page loads, the more likely it is for people to stay on your site and buy something from you. Check your FID, LCP and CLS.

  • FID (First Interactive) refers to how long it takes after a user opens your page before they can do something like click on an image or link, or start scrolling. FIDs should be around 250 milliseconds or less because if a user has to wait for more than that, they’ll quickly get frustrated and move on.
  • LCP (Load Complete Time) measures how long it takes before all images have been loaded in your page, so if this number is high then there might be problems with the server or CDN where they’re hosted.
  • CLS (Client Loaded Seconds) refers to the total seconds between when a user first opens your page and when their browser stops trying to load additional content. If this number is low, it’s because there isn’t much content on the page itself.

Core Web Vitals optimization tips

Your lucky ten:

  • Make sure your website is using HTTPs.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN).
  • Optimize your images.
  • Minimize your use of JavaScript and CSS.
  • Take advantage of browser caching.
  • Use lazy loading for high traffic pages.
  • Test page load time on mobile devices and desktops with site speed test tools like GTmetrix, Pingdom, WebPageTest, Lighthouse, or Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Load the most important content first to avoid distractions.
  • Hide non-essential features when they are not in use, such as tooltips, slide outs and popups.
  • Prioritize animations so that only the most important ones are visible at one time.

Wrapping up

In short, site speed is important for both optimization and conversion rates. If your site is slow, you’re likely losing customers and money. But by taking some simple steps to improve your site’s speed, you can see a real difference in your bottom line. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! If you want to ensure that your e-commerce website is successful, you need to pay attention.


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